domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020

199na Entrada Agitato: Wake Up, Rage Against the Machine


Estoy cansada de su propaganda

Obligada a seguir una etiqueta
Que rechazo
Que apruebo
Tanta fe en el cambio de las cosas
Cuando es solo una ilusión
El cambio es personal
la realización material y espiritual individual
Es lo que lleva a la realización de la comunidad
¿Hasta cuándo me obligan a consumir su publicidad?
Que lindos son sus ideales
Pero dejen de imponerlos, parecen déspotas
Sus situaciones personales no son culpa de los demás
¿Cómo tanta ceguera e ignorancia?
¿Cómo no ven que son peones en su juego de ajedrez?
Vean que eso nunca va a cambiar
Si Usted no es el artífice de su propio caminar
Basta les digo de sojuzgar
Dejen ser al respetuoso, dejen ser libres
Estudien, lean... que nuestra historia jamás
estará a nuestra merced.
Son títeres, somos números...
Viva y deje vivir.
Piense y deje pensar
Yo no le tengo fe a esta humanidad
Irresponsables y vejatorios,
sedientos de venganza
Imposiciones y poder.
Solo una esperanza tuve de un cambio trascendental,
pero hoy somos víctimas de manipulación
de la esperanza y la fe
Nos han convertido en devotos del dinero
Esclavos de nuestros miedos
Utilizando los perjuicios ajenos para justificar su violencia
Para aprobar a algunos
y rechazar a otros
Son inquisidores de sus morales relativas Sin siquiera conocer lo que es la vida
Tienen fe en que cambien los dioses del panteón
Mientras son el hazme reír de quien se sienta en el trono
"Estúpidos humanos,
cuanta más miseria en sus vidas
cuanta diversión en sus pecados"
Así nos ven,
Así los veo
Yo no jugaré sus juegos.

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2020

198va Entrada, Adagio: Plus que ma prope vie, Carter Burwell

I feel lonely, just watching the tilting line telling me to write, makes my heart ache. Such weakness...

I know that we are all alone, we are just going by with this existence, trying our best to survive. We choose our partners, but sometimes we make mistakes, and we have to support them, we got to make things work... but sometimes it's just too heavy, even when you try your best, but it seems never be enough.

Sometimes, I love to be like this, in my home office, writing some bullshit about my miserable efforts to make my dreams come true. It feels so heavy, such burden to deal with these emotions, drowning my head, numbing my spirit.

The more the time passes, the more disappointment grows in my soul, Am I not enough? Am I taking the wrong paths through life? Have I done something wrong? Then, why I keep pushing me to be something that I don't want to be? Why should I do things as I have been doing this far?

Why I feel this hole in my chest, this emptiness, this solitude... I'm expecting nothing from you, but you keep pushing me to do more... and I won't do it anymore. This anxiousness of maintain my life, your life, our dreams, my stupids parents, and my college, and being a good woman, a good daughter... always trying to solve everything is so tiring. I don't want to deal with myself anymore, please let me breath, let me sleep, let me drown, once again, in these dark emotions. I need them time to time.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

197ma Entrada, Adagio: Us and Them, Pink Floyd

Are they trying to separate us? Their plan is being so damn successful... my heart aches everytime I turn on the TV and I can appreciate the overwhelming lie beneath our existence.
I can't tell if the scenario is just being set and they are just preparing us for the worst, or this is just our nature... the only thing I can truly tell is whatever there is shivering my spirit.

Five weeks have passed now since the quarantine was established, I've methamorphozised... But since the beginning I was able to understand that there were "sides"... Us and them... In every media you'll be able to notice that: Young and Old, Animal and Human, Poor and Wealthy, Teleworkers and OnStreets Workers... all I can see are human suffering from their own madness... Can we really choose to be victims of ourselves? can we escape from our living hell?

And the general sat
And the lines on the map
Moved from side to side